
About Fernando Medrano

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So far Fernando Medrano has created 16 blog entries.

Emerald One Shines at the Hermes Creative Awards

Emerald One Shines at the Hermes Creative Awards Emerald One’s creative team was recognized for its Creative Body of Work with a Platinum Award at the 2024 Hermes Creative Awards, an international competition recognizing outstanding work in marketing and communication. In addition to the team’s recognition for their impeccable work overall, Emerald One [...]

Emerald One Shines at the Hermes Creative Awards2024-05-02T17:40:28+00:00

Make Every Minute Count. Purposeful Ideas to Restructure Your One-On-One Meetings

Make Every Minute Count. Purposeful Ideas to Restructure Your One-On-One Meetings Scott Peck said, “All human interactions are opportunities to either learn or to teach.”  Making the most of your one-on-one meetings is more than checking in with your direct reports on their progress — it’s setting a tone to build trust with [...]

Make Every Minute Count. Purposeful Ideas to Restructure Your One-On-One Meetings2023-12-19T16:46:56+00:00

Emerald One Celebrates Four Wins at the MarCom International Creative Awards

Emerald One Celebrates Four Wins at the MarCom International Creative Awards November 9, 2023 Contact: Chawn Tate, chawnt@emeraldone.com Emerald One, LLC emeraldone.com For Immediate Release Emerald One Celebrates Four Wins at the 2023 MarCom International Creative Awards Emerald One is thrilled to receive four prestigious awards at the 2023 MarCom International Creative Awards, a [...]

Emerald One Celebrates Four Wins at the MarCom International Creative Awards2023-11-16T04:20:45+00:00

Emerald One Recognized as a 2024 Elev8 GovCon Honoree by OrangeSlices AI

Emerald One Recognized as a 2024 Elev8 GovCon Honoree by OrangeSlices AI Great Falls, VA – Emerald One is thrilled to announce its recognition as one of OrangeSlices’ prestigious 2024 Elev8 GovCon honorees. This distinction underscores Emerald One's unwavering commitment to excellence in the Federal GovCon sector, reflecting the company’s dedication to delivering strategic [...]

Emerald One Recognized as a 2024 Elev8 GovCon Honoree by OrangeSlices AI2023-11-15T14:59:21+00:00

Are You Successfully Communicating Your Organizational Purpose to Your Employees?

Are You Successfully Communicating Your Organizational Purpose to Your Employees? Organizations with a purpose-driven culture leverage the human element of knowing one’s audience, learning what they are predisposed to, and developing a vision to stay ahead of the curve. According to Gallup, two in ten US employees feel connected to their company’s culture, [...]

Are You Successfully Communicating Your Organizational Purpose to Your Employees?2023-11-15T11:19:31+00:00

Three Features of Influential Leaders

Three Features of Influential Leaders Leadership is a commitment to lifelong learning and development. It can be easy to slip into a task-based mindset, becoming a senior manager rather than a true leader, but an engaged leader is the first and most critical component of organizational goal achievement and personal fulfillment. Emerald One’s Chief [...]

Three Features of Influential Leaders2023-11-15T10:26:09+00:00

Stress Awareness: A Leader’s Toolkit

Stress Awareness: A Leader's Toolkit April is Stress Awareness Month, a time when we should take a moment to just understand how stress impacts our lives both personally and professionally. However, this is a mindfulness activity everyone should do every day. Leaders especially need to be aware of stress and how it affects [...]

Stress Awareness: A Leader’s Toolkit2023-11-09T18:13:57+00:00

How Values-Based Leadership Drives Performance

How Values-Based Leadership Drives Performance By definition, values-based organizations are guided by a set of core values. These values are the foundation of why the organization exists and what purpose it serves. While many organizations claim to be values-based, there is often a disconnect between what they say and what they do. Perhaps [...]

How Values-Based Leadership Drives Performance2023-11-09T18:18:41+00:00

Four Facets of Relationship Management for Federal IT Contractors

Four Facets of Relationship Management for Federal IT Contractors The United States federal government relies heavily on government contractors. The most recent data shows that, since 1984, contractors comprise the largest segment of the federal workforce—between 30 and 40%. This reliance is due to several pressures: The federal government’s inordinately slow hiring process [...]

Four Facets of Relationship Management for Federal IT Contractors2023-11-09T18:30:41+00:00

Looking Inward to Build a Strong Corporate Identity

Looking Inward to Build a Strong Corporate Identity Today, most leaders understand the importance of having a strong corporate identity and strategic messaging. Doing so allows companies to stand out in a world where the average consumer is spoiled for choice, no matter what they are looking to buy. Where many leaders fall [...]

Looking Inward to Build a Strong Corporate Identity2023-11-09T18:36:22+00:00

COVID-19 Challenges and Opportunities in the Virtual World

COVID-19 Challenges and Opportunities in the Virtual World By Ashton Blue, intern at Emerald One, LLC On March 13, 2020, we witnessed a challenge unlike any other. On that day, the first of many COVID-19 related state or local lockdowns were established in the United States. More followed, with the end result an [...]

COVID-19 Challenges and Opportunities in the Virtual World2023-11-09T18:43:25+00:00

CEO Blog: 5 Things Every Leader Must Be to Manage Remote Teams

CEO Blog: 5 Things Every Leader Must Be to Manage Remote Teams Working remotely drives a whole new level of requirements. While many look first to employees for adjustment, managers and leaders must adhere to a number of key tenets and best practices in order to ease the transformation to an organization with [...]

CEO Blog: 5 Things Every Leader Must Be to Manage Remote Teams2023-11-09T18:45:51+00:00

CEO Blog: Elements of Brilliance

CEO Blog: Elements of Brilliance Over the last 35 years, I spent my time implementing some of the most complex projects. Many of them required a great deal of insight. Many of them required everything to work positively and perfectly. And many of them seemed almost impossible. Through all of this, I noticed [...]

CEO Blog: Elements of Brilliance2023-11-09T18:47:29+00:00

Time as a Resource

Time as a Resource Our CEO, LaVerne H. Council, blogs on LinkedIn! Make sure you take a moment and read her exploration of time as a leadership resource on LinkedIn’s Pulse.

Time as a Resource2023-11-09T18:52:43+00:00

About My Work

Phasellus non ante ac dui sagittis volutpat. Curabitur a quam nisl. Nam est elit, congue et quam id, laoreet consequat erat. Aenean porta placerat efficitur. Vestibulum et dictum massa, ac finibus turpis.

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